Outreach Ministries
For more information about St. John’s participation in these ministries
or to get involved, contact St. John’s at (808) 239-7198.
Family Promise
For ten years, St. John’s by the Sea partnered with other O‘ahu churches and faith communities
to provide shelter for homeless families with children while they actively
rebuilt their lives. St. John’s hosted families in Ho‘okano Hall for
a week four times a year, including breakfast, dinner, and fellowship.
Over 80% of families in this program transition out of homelessness
into housing, usually in 3-4 months.
For information about Family Promise Hawai‘i, see
their Web site.
Alcoholics Anonymous
In this fellowship, men and women share their experience, strength, and
hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and
help others to recover from alcoholism. AA groups meet in Ho‘okano
Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
For a schedule of AA meetings (including all of O‘ahu), see
their Web site.
Key Project
St. John’s by the Sea regularly collects food donations to support the
Key Project, a Kahalu‘u community-based family center whose mission
is to “nurture and promote the cultural, environmental, social, economic
and recreational well-being of the Kualoa-He‘eia area by providing
a vital grassroots civic resource that effectively serves the needs
of our diverse multicultural community.”
For more information about the Key Project, see
their Web site.
Ke Kumu Ola o Kahalu‘u (The Lifeline of Kahalu‘u)
St. John’s by the Sea partners with area churches—Kahalu‘u United Methodist
Church, Hope Chapel Kahalu‘u, the Light of Promise Ministries, Windward
Baptist Church, and the Ekalasia Foundation of Jesus Christ—to pray
for and actively work towards revitalizing the Kahalu‘u community.
Kahalu‘u Community
We network closely with Kahalu‘u Elementary School and their Ohana Group
to ensure strong healthy children and families. We strive to work with
our Wailau community to create culturally appropriate ways to give back,
such as beach clean-ups, reef walks, and talk-story sessions.
Holy Eucharist
Sundays 9:30 AM
St. John's By-the-Sea
Episcopal Church
47-074 Lihikai Drive
Kāne'ohe, HI 96744
(808) 239-7198
