Upcoming Events: Please Mark Your Calendars!
Sunday, October 6: We will celebrate the Feast of St. Francis with a special service including Blessing of the Animals (9:30 am). Bring your pets (or photos of them)!
Sunday, October 20: We will commemorate the birthday of Princess Ka'iulani during the Eucharist (9:30 am).
Altar flowers
If you would like to donate flowers for the altar for any day in thanksgiving (for
birthdays, anniversaries, etc) or in memory of a loved one, please contact
Enid Young.
Canned goods and other nonperishable foods
Please bring your donations. These are collected
each Sunday and presented at the altar as part of our offering, then
transferred to the needy.
Help needed!
Would you like to serve as an usher one Sunday a month? Ushers not only welcome visitors and show them to their pews; they also help set up and put away the microphones, turn on the air conditioning when needed, distribute materials for the service, and ring the bells. Join the team!
Ministries schedule
The draft schedule for clergy, altar guild etc. for July-December 2024 is now posted and will be updated as we go along. Please share this information with kupuna who don't access the Internet.
An illustrated list of the altar hangings used for different seasons and purposes is available here.
Eucharistic lay ministers, please arrive by 9:15 am.
If you are unable to make it, please let Sally R. know.
Sunday's readings
Each Sunday's readings are available online at the Episcopal
Lectionary website.