Casino Night at St. John's
Warm thanks to all who worked so hard to put together our exciting "Casino Night" on November 2, as well as those who participated or supported the fundraiser in other ways! As Sam Smiley said, working together to create this event was wonderful in itself! See photos

Remembering Our Beloved Kupuna at Annual Convention
Our beloved Sarah Yee and Lois Murphy also left us this year to join the nearer presence of God.
Father Nahoa sent this photo showing how three of St. John's dear faithfully departed members (Kapu Lambert, Bill Fay, and Ruth Lucas) were included among all of those commemorated at the annual diocesan convention, held October 25-26 at St. Andrew's in Honolulu. Aloha mau! |
Blessing of the Animals, October 6, 2019
In honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, our Sunday morning service on October 6 included special Bible readings, hymns, and a blessing of pets belonging toSt. John's members.
Luana Fenstemacher Sunday, September 8, 2019
St. John's By-the-Sea celebrated, thanked, and bid our fond farewells to Luana Fenstemacher in September as she headed off to Oregon State University. Luana has served St. John's faithfully in many capacities, including as acolyte and, later, Eucharistic Minister. We look forward to seeing her whenever she returns to the islands. Thanks to Ruth Shiroma Foster for these photos.

St. John's Scholars 2019
On August 25, 2019, St. John's By-the-Sea Church awarded scholarships to five of its members who are pursuing higher education: Tori Tulatamalelagi, Kapono Lucas [represented in this photo by his mother, Kawehi Lucas], Robbie-Lynn Pohano-Chong, Luana Fenstemacher, and Sean Lau, being congratulated here by Fr. Nahoa, Vicki Fay, and Teena Urban. These awards are made possible through the Rev. Darrow Aiona Scholarship Fund, which was established in Fr. Darrow's memory to help support the education of young Hawaiians, the future leaders of our island home. Donations to the Scholarship Fund are always welcome!

Portland Girl Choir Visits
St. John's was delighted to welcome the Portland Symphonic Girlchoir Intermezzo Choir on Sunday, June 23. This group has visited St. John's before and they're terrific! Besides singing a couple of hymns during the regular 9:30 am service, they performed an early afternoon concert including such songs as "There Is a Balm in Gilead," "The Storm Is Over," "Sing Hodie," and the South African hymn "Siyahamba (We Are Marching in the Light of God)." We hosted the group to a potluck lunch in the hall in between the service and the concert.

St. John's Sings for Aunty Lois Murphy
Longtime stalwart St. John's member Lois Murphy welcomed a hardy group of singers to her home in May to let her know she is always a part of us, even when she can't make it to church. We enjoyed singing hymns and other Hawaiian songs together.

Episcopal Indigenous Missioner at St. John’s March 24
Our Hawaiian Eucharist celebrating the birth of Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole falls on Sunday March 24, 2019. This is the same weekend as the Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s visit to Hawai‘i for “Renewal 2019.” As part of that celebratory weekend, the Reverend Brad S. Hauff, the Episcopal Church Indigenous Missioner, visited and preached at St. John’s on that Sunday, joining us afterwards for a potluck lunch. For more about Rev. Huff, please see here.

In Memoriam: The Reverend Canon Malcolm Nāea Chun
26 July 1954–20 January 2019
Members of St. John's by-the-Sea Church as well as from the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i and the wider community gathered on the weekend of February 23–24 to celebrate the life and mourn the sudden and unexpected loss of Rev. Canon Malcolm Nāea Chun. Fr. Malcolm had been a frequent presence at St. John's over the years since his ordination in 2012, serving as a supply priest as well as part-time vicar from mid 2015 to mid 2016. His funeral took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral on February 23 (see photos from inside the cathedral and outside), and many of the visiting indigenous clergy who attended that service joined St. John's for a special Sunday morning service on February 24 (see photos).
Also on February 23, Canada's Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples (ACIP) also held a vigil for Fr. Malcolm. (Photo courtesy of Melanie Delva.)
A statement from Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick, issued January 31, 2019, summarizes Fr. Malcolm's many contributions to the diocese and the greater community (read here).
See also this article from the Episcopal News Services recounting some of Fr. Malcolm's other efforts in relation to the church's indigenous ministry.
I counted Malcolm as a friend and a teacher. His service to the Cathedral, to the Diocese, to the Church, and to me will be warmly remembered. Nahoa
Holy Eucharist
Sundays 9:30 am
St. John's By-the-Sea
Episcopal Church
47-074 Lihikai Drive
Kāne'ohe, HI 96744
(808) 239-7198 stjohnsbts@gmail.com

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