Mahalo Pumehana to St. John's "Gardening Angels"!
Some "angels" have been faithfully continuing to tend our new garden (beside the recently paved parking lot)! Mahalo nui to Enid's son Keanu Young for weeding as well as to Raynell Ohara (Charles Ho'okano's grand-niece) for planting grass. Fr. Nahoa took these gorgeous photos recently when he and Jodi Shimabukuro visited the church.

St. John’s Supports Kahalu’u during COVID-19
During May and June 2020, St. John's partnered with other Windward churches in the "Kahalu'u Meat Ministry," purchasing meat for the Key Project food distribution project in Kahalu'u.

St. John's By-the-Sea Church Annual Scholarships
On August 16, 2020, at the end of its Sunday morning service online, St. John's By-the-Sea Church awarded scholarships to five of its members who are pursuing higher education: Kapono Lucas, Sean Lau, Tori Tulatamalelagi, Luana Fenstemacher, and Robbie-Lynn Pohano-Chong, shown here being congratulated by Fr. Nahoa, Vicki Fay, and Teena Urban. These awards are made possible through the Rev. Darrow Aiona Scholarship Fund, which was established in Fr. Darrow's memory to help support the education of future leaders of our island home. Donations to the Scholarship Fund are always welcome!

See enlargement
La Cañada High School Choir Visits
On February 16, 2020, St. John's by-the-Sea hosted another visit by the wonderful choir of La Cañada High School from Southern California.
The singers offered two hymns during our Sunday morning service and sang for us in Hookano Hall after enjoying a potluck lunch. This was the third time LCHS has visited St. John's, and we're all looking forward to seeing--and hearing!--them again!

Photo courtesy of Vicki Fay
Holy Eucharist
Sundays 9:30 am
St. John's By-the-Sea
Episcopal Church
47-074 Lihikai Drive
Kāne'ohe, HI 96744
(808) 239-7198 stjohnsbts@gmail.com

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